Feedback and Reporting Resources

Let's talk.

Anyone can anonymously send us feedback through our department form. The University of Minnesota offers lots of good resources for providing feedback, getting help, and reporting misconduct. Some of these channels are subject to Title IX mandatory reporting requirements. Having so many resources can be a bit overwhelming, and we want to help get our people to the right place. You can learn more about them by expanding each channel.

Please call 9-1-1 if you are having an urgent crisis.

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Forest Resources Department Feedback Form

Forest Resources Department Feedback Form

All responses provided through this form are completely anonymous. Responses are delivered to the Department of Forest Resources email inbox, which is monitored by Megan Guerber. Most questions and feedback about the department will be answered directly (if contact information is provided), considered in department meetings, or directed to individual staff and faculty members. Reports of microaggressions will be directed to Department Head, Kristen C. Nelson, and the University of Minnesota's Office of Human Resources. Reports of criminal behavior or offenses with Title IX mandatory reporting requirements will be directed to the University of Minnesota's Office of Human Resources and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA).

Who can use this channel?


Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?

Yes, but responses may be anonymous. The form does not require or collect any personal identifying information, such as names, email addresses, or IP addresses.

Forest Resources Department Feedback Form

CFANS Human Resources Department

CFANS Human Resources Department

The Human Resources office in the College of Food Science and Natural Resources is the first point of contact for assistance or questions about CFANS employment policies and procedures, as well as those within the Department of Forest Resources.

  • Interpreting and applying employment-related policies, rules, and contracts.
  • Assisting with performance management issues, ranging from hiring, rewards, and recognition, to discipline and termination.
  • Resolving conflicts and managing difficult workplace situations, including facilitating union grievances.
  • Providing customized training about employment subjects.
  • Leading units through organizational development.

Who can use this channel?

University of Minnesota employees, including student employees.

Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?


How can I contact them?
(612) 624-8439

Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA)

Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA)

The University of Minnesota’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) was founded in 1972 to ensure that all University community members uphold federal and state civil rights laws and regulations, as well as University equal opportunity policies. EOAA addresses concerns of discrimination and harassment based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, familial status, disability, public assistance status, membership or activity in a local commission created for the purpose of dealing with discrimination, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression; sexual misconduct; nepotism; and related retaliation. EOAA addresses reports of discrimination, harassment, nepotism, sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking and relationship violence) and related retaliation through:

  • Investigation
  • Informal problem-solving
  • Consultation
  • Education

Who can use this channel?

University of Minnesota students and employees.

Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?


How can I contact them?

(612) 624-9547

274 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Report Misconduct

UReport by Ethical Advocate

UReport by Ethical Advocate

The University contracts with the vendor Ethical Advocate to maintain a 24 hour reporting hotline that anyone can call to report known or suspected non-compliance involving the University. This service also maintains a website where employees can report their concerns. Reports may be made anonymously.

Who can use this channel?

University of Minnesota students and employees.

Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?

Yes, but reports can be made anonymously.

How can I contact them?

(866) 294-8680

UReport Contact Form

Student Conflict Resolution Center (SCRC)

Student Conflict Resolution Center (SCRC)

The University of Minnesota's Student Conflict Resolution Center (SCRC) offers informal conflict resolution services to resolve students' university-based problems and concerns. The services are free and confidential. Ombuds can provide confidential, impartial, and informal options.

Who can use this channel?

University of Minnesota students.

Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?


How can I contact them?

(612) 624-7272

SCRC Contact Form

254 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Aurora Center for Advocacy and Education

Aurora Center for Advocacy & Education

The Aurora Center for Advocacy & Education provides a free and confidential space for students, faculty, and staff affiliated with the University of Minnesota who are victims/survivors/concerned people of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment.

Who can use this channel?

University of Minnesota students and employees.

Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?


How can I contact them?

Office: (612) 626-2929
24-hour helpline: (612) 626-9111
Textline: (612) 615-8911

117 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Student Counseling Services

Student Counseling Services

Student Counseling Services (SCS) currently offers virtual counseling services to support the emotional and mental wellbeing of students registered for classes on the Twin Cities campus. Licensing regulations restrict certain counseling services only to clients physically within the state of Minnesota; however, many other services are available for students not physically within the state of Minnesota.

Who can use this channel?

University of Minnesota students.

Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?


How can I contact them?

(612) 624-3323

Minneapolis East Bank Campus
340 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

St. Paul Campus
199 Coffey Hall
1420 Eckles Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential professional consultation and referral services to address any personal or work concern that may be affecting your wellbeing. EAP counseling and consultation for work or personal concerns include:

  • Job concerns and work productivity.
  • Personal, interpersonal, and work relationships.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • Family issues.
  • Adjustment to greif/loss or change.
  • Coping with stress.
  • Mental health.
  • Chemical health.

Who can use this channel?

University of Minnesota employees, including student employees.

Is this channel subject to Title IX mandatory reporting?


How can I contact them?

(612) 625-2820

220 Donhowe Building
128 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455