Emeriti Faculty

Name Areas of Interest Email
Jean Albrecht
Librarian Emeritus

Forestry Librarian

[email protected]
Alvin Alm
Professor Emeritus

Reforestation and site preparation techniques, Christmas tree culture

Dorothy Anderson
Professor Emeritus

Recreation resources management, policy and planning, environmental learning and leadership

[email protected]
Marvin Bauer
Professor Emeritus

Applications of digital remote sensing to inventory, monitoring, and analysis of land, vegetation, and water resources.

[email protected]
Melvin Baughman
Professor Emeritus

Recreational trail design

[email protected]
Charlie Blinn
Professor Emeritus, Former Extension Specialist

Timber harvesting, forest roads, forest management, logging, loggers, timber harvesters.


[email protected]
Paul Bolstad
Professor Emeritus

Ecology, tree physiology, ecophysiology, silviculture, remote sensing, and geographic information systems.


[email protected]
Kenneth Brooks
Professor Emeritus

Hydrology—modeling impacts of forest land use on water resources

[email protected]
Thomas Burk
Professor Emeritus

Biometrics—forest growth modeling and experimental design

[email protected]
Andrew David
Professor Emeritus, Former Director of Operations for the Cloquet Forestry Center and Hubachek Wilderness Research Centers

Forest genetics and tree improvement

[email protected]
Alan Ek
Professor Emeritus

Development of forest regeneration, growth, and change models for resource planning and long-term analysis of ecosystem trends; development of survey and monitoring designs for forest and related resources; forestry and related natural resources research including its funding, function, direction, conduct, and benefits.

[email protected]
Paul Ellefson
Professor Emeritus

Policy and administration; Economics, management & planning

[email protected]
Hans Gregersen
Professor Emeritus

Economics, management and planning; Policy and administration

[email protected]
Howard Hoganson
Professor Emeritus

Management and economics: Timber supply analysis, harvest scheduling, operations research

[email protected]
Gary Johnson
Professor Emeritus

Urban and community forestry, urban forest health, stress disorders (deicing salt damage), urbanized soils, diseases of trees and shrubs, risk assessment and management, tree preservation during construction activities, dysfunctional root systems (including stem girdling roots), and nursery tree production.

[email protected]
Dietmar Rose
Professor Emeritus

Forest economics, management, and planning

[email protected]
Susan Stafford
Professor and Dean Emeritus

Applied statistics, environmental science, policy and management; research information and data management, environmental leadership, frameworks for interdisciplinary research and education.

[email protected]
Carl Vogt
Extension Specialist Emeritus

Conservation education, hardwood management, maple syrup, and Christmas trees.

[email protected]