Mike Dockry contributes to 5th National Climate Assessment's Indigenous Peoples Chapter

November 21, 2023

The 5th National Climate Assessment, released on November 14, 2023, features contributions from Mike Dockry, Forest Resources assistant professor and Midwest Climate Adaption Science Center (MW CASC) tribal relations lead. The "federally-mandated report assesses current and future risks posed by climate change to all U.S. regions, including the Midwest," shares the MW CASC in a recent blog post about the report. "It is designed to help decision-makers at all levels of government understand and respond to climate change."

Dockry was a contributing author for the Assessment's Indigenous Peoples Chapter. "One of our key messages is that self-determination is key to Indigenous people's resilience to climate change," Dockry says in an interview with MW CASC about the report. "That means supporting the Tribes and ensuring Tribes have the resources to make decisions that benefit their communities, adapt to climate change, and become more resilient."

Read MW CASC's interview with Mike Dockry to learn more about the Assessment's Indigenous Peoples Chapter. 

Learn more about the Assessment on the MW CASC blog.