This course provides orientation and planning for students entering the Forest and Natural Resource Management (FNRM) major. During this semester students will be introduced to key issues in their fields of study. Description of careers, career planning (choice of major tracks, internships, summer experience, mentoring), academic advising and engagement with working professionals are major components of the course. Introduction to professional skill building includes information technology tools in the workplace and access to library and research tools. At the end of this course students should know the kind of course work needed for their degree choice as well as the timing of when to take courses to successfully complete their undergraduate degree program. Students should know what the student learning centers (SLC) and SMART commons are and how to use them. In addition students should be able to: (a) write a cover letter and develop a resume targeting a specific job of interest to them, (b) know how to conduct a job search and prepare for a job interview, (c) find an internship of interest using resources at the Career and Internship Services, (d) find and apply for study abroad opportunities, (e) have an appreciation for and obtain some exposure to the importance of available data to their field of study, (g) manipulate data in an EXCEL spreadsheet, and (h) assess their desire to continue their education beyond the baccalaureate level.
Orientation and Information Systems
Course ID
FNRM 1001
Semester Offered
Course Frequency
every year
Course website